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Tips for Hair Regrowth after Postpartum Hair Loss

post partum hair loss solution

Tips for Hair Regrowth after Postpartum Hair Loss

You are definitely anticipating the day that you are eventually welcoming your child as your delivery date approaches.  However, you might not be thrilled to shed your beautiful and lustrous hair. You are not imagining things. Motherhood typically causes a woman’s hair to thicken. And losing your hair isn’t due to the anxiety of having a baby! What’s going on with your prenatal hair? What to anticipate after delivery? What else can you do to address it? Read on to find out more! 

What is postpartum hair loss?

Following the birth of your child, you won’t instantly begin losing hair postpartum. Loss of hair postpartum can begin at any moment and can last for up to one year. In reality, this visible hair loss, which peaks approximately four to five months following delivery and can occur as a shock even after the majority of several other postnatal issues have subsided. Therefore, you shouldn’t become alarmed if your infant is only several months old and you’re still experiencing hair loss issues. You aren’t on your own if it occurs to you. Approximately one-half of all new mothers have such a problem.

It normally requires two to three months for virgin anagen hairs to start growing before the hair loss starts. The majority of individuals observe an abrupt rise in hair loss just several months following childbirth or following an intense ailment because the developing hairs contribute to pushing the resting hairs from the follicle.

Causes of postpartum hair loss

  • Hormonal changes

The pregnancy-related hair growth abnormalities and postnatal loss of hair are primarily caused by hormonal changes.

The elevated oestrogen quantity throughout pregnancy kept you from losing hair at the regular rate. The hair often flakes out in little quantities each day. Hair loss slows down while you are pregnant. The improved blood flow and transmission, which can also result in less hair loss than usual, amplifies the impact.

Therefore, after having a baby and having the oestrogen amount decline, the hair compensates for the time lost by shedding in much larger quantities than usual. Your sudden hair loss gives the impression that far more hair is being lost compared to what you have throughout the previous nine months, but this is most likely not the case.

  • Underlying conditions

Postpartum hair loss can occasionally be caused by factors other than only a drop in oestrogen; these additional factors might exacerbate the condition. Further testing and treatment may be necessary for conditions like anaemia, stress, hormonal imbalances, and thyroid issues that can also result in hair loss.

Hair Loss Management

Don’t panic; the situation described above is rather typical. Alopecia, another name for hair loss, has a wide range of potential causes. Telogen effluvium, a highly distinct kind of alopecia, is what causes postpartum baldness and is among the most often managed disorders by doctors.

Many individuals have five to fifteen percent of their hair growth in the telogen stage, or resting sequence, of the hair development cycle. This is when hair is not being produced or dropping out. When several hairs reach telogen at once due to a physiological or hormonal shift, telogen effluvium is caused.

  • Hairstyle changes

Stylists might suggest an alternative haircut that integrates those thin frontal hairs. You might need to cut your hair short to create long fringes that outline your face if it was originally lengthy or had a textured look with portions that hung down to your chin.

  • Hair Care products

Apply volume-enhancing conditioner and shampoo. Such products frequently include components like protein that encapsulate the hair giving it a thicker appearance. Moreover, a “conditioning shampoo” advertising should be avoided. These have thick lotions that can cause the hair to appear flat and weigh it down. Alternatively, consider using a conditioner designed for thin hair. These have milder formulations that won’t make hair entangled. Concentrate most of the conditioning application on the hair’s tips. Hair tends to become weighed down when the conditioner is applied to the head and every strand of hair. It truly comes down to experimentation when looking for the best conditioner and shampoo for thin hair. If your usual hair care products are not working, you may like to consult a doctor to discuss about appropriate hair care products that will work better for your specific condition.

  • Vitamins

A diversified diet ought not to be replaced by supplements, particularly if you’re a new parent with a child to look after. However, if your nutrition is unbalanced, they could be useful as a complementary addition to your meals. Vitamins are crucial for general well-being, even if they haven’t been strongly proven to influence hair loss in particular. Following childbirth, continuing your nutritional supplements is frequently advised, particularly if you are breastfeeding.

  • Nourkrin® Hair Growth+ Inclinic 

It has been shown that dietary supplements with certain bioavailable proteoglycans to revive dysfunctional hair follicles have ushered in a new era of understanding about the nutritional elements that affect hair loss. In this regard, it was suggested that this proteoglycan replacement therapy, which contains a particular lectican, leucine versican, and decorin, is advantageous as a foundational therapy for all types of hair loss. Versican and decorin in particular, as part of a proteoglycan replacement therapy, can be crucial in triggering and extending the anagen portion of the hair growth process. These lectican and leucine proteoglycans have also been shown to prevent the stimulation and production of mast cells when combined with specific flavonoids, in addition to safeguarding against apoptosis generated from stress.

As both a preventative measure and a therapeutic measure, this treatment approach is advised, particularly in instances of hair loss linked to trauma.

The usual consumption of oral supplements with a particularly permeable proteoglycan distinguishes itself as a prospective novel medical strategy among the numerous other treatment approaches and medications.


For many women, postpartum hair loss can be a major issue. The extent of hair loss during and after childbirth is influenced by a number of circumstances and can vary between different individuals. This article has explained what constitutes postpartum hair loss and how it happens. The article has also established how we can avoid future complications by identifying women who are experiencing postpartum hair loss and employing a timely and effective treatment to help alleviate hair loss issues. It is advised that you consult our doctors at Eeva Aesthetic Medical Clinic if you are seeing the signs and symptoms related to postpartum hair loss that is distressing you. This is so that we can create a comprehensive and personalised treatment plan to address your concerns. 


  1. American Academy of Dermatology. (n.d.). Hair loss in New Moms. American Academy of Dermatology. Retrieved October 24, 2022, from https://www.aad.org/public/diseases/hair-loss/insider/new-moms#:~:text=Many%20new%20moms%20see%20noticeable,caused%20by%20falling%20estrogen%20levels.
  2. Baker, L. C. (2016, November 3). Postpartum hair loss: The 4 best treatments. Healthline. Retrieved October 24, 2022, from https://www.healthline.com/health/parenting/postpartum-hair-loss#Postpartum-hair-treatments-to-try-
  3. Cleveland Clinic. (n.d.). Postpartum hair loss: Causes, treatment & what to expect. Cleveland Clinic. Retrieved October 24, 2022, from https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/23297-postpartum-hair-loss
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Eeva Medical Aesthetic Clinic