Busy doing pimples popping? Stop and read this article now. How do we get pimples and what are the most common types of pimples, ranging from mild to severe? Usually, when you are headed for acne treatment Singapore, you will be equipped with essential information about the different types of pimples. In this article, we will answer your questions about pimples and demystify the science behind them.
Why do I have pimples?
Before heading for pimples treatment Singapore, it will be helpful to understand why we get pimples. Pimples usually arise as a result of pores becoming clogged with sebum and dead skin. In severe cases, this can lead to infection and inflammation.
Sebaceous glands are tiny skin glands that secrete sebum. This is a waxy or oily substance that lubricates the skin and hair, and are found within the pores of our skin. As these glands produce sebum inside the pores, new skin cells are constantly growing with the outer layers of skin being shed.
Sometimes, the process may not be as efficient as usual, leading to dead skin cells not being shed. These remain in the pores, and get stuck together with the sticky sebum. Eventually, the sebum and dead skin cells accumulate and block pores, resulting in the growth of unhealthy bacteria such as Propionibacterium acnes (P.acnes). This is a slow-growing bacterium linked to acne.
This acne may exist harmlessly, to begin with, but when the conditions are right, the bacterium will feed off the sebum, producing a substance that causes an immune response, ultimately leading to skin inflammation.
Common Types of Pimples
There are many types of pimples. We outline the signs and symptoms of each pimples and do a pimples breakdown so you know which type of pimple you might be having:
- Whiteheads: This is known as a closed comedone, and are small pimples that remain beneath the skin. They appear as a very small and flesh-coloured papule.
- Blackheads: This is known as an open comedone. They are clearly visible on the skin’s surface and are black or dark brown due to the oxidation of melanin. Melanin is the skin’s pigment. When you encounter a blackhead, do not try to scrub it away as this will irritate the skin.
- Papule: A papule is a solid, small, and rounded bump that rises from the skin, and is often pink in colour.
- Pustule: A pustule is a pimple full of pus. They are clearly visible on the skin’s surface, with a red base and pus coming out from on top.
- Nodule: A nodule has a similar structure to a papule, but is often larger. They can be very painful and are embedded deep into the skin.
- Cysts: A cyst is very visible on the skin’s surface. They are usually filled with pus and can be very painful. A cyst may cause scars so if you see a cyst you should see a doctor immediately for acne scar treatment Singapore.
A pimple is actually a small pustule or papule. Pimples can develop when sebaceous glands become clogged and infected. This leads to swollen and red lesions filled with pus. Although pimples are most likely to occur during puberty or menstruation, they can occur at any age.
Risk Factors
It is not totally known why some people are more prone to getting pimples than others. As acne often runs in families, hormone fluctuation and genetic factors may play a role.
1. Bacteria
There are good bacteria that protect against disease, and there are also bad bacteria that can cause disease. This is true for bacteria that live on the skin. Some types of bacteria can determine how severely and frequently pimples pop up. The bacteria may also interact with different factors such as sebum and hormone levels.
2. Yeast infections
In addition to good or bad bacteria, some acne breakouts have been linked to yeast infections. Folliculitis happens when a pityrosporum yeast enters the hair follicles and multiples. This triggers an itchy eruption of itchy and tiny rounded pimples which resemble acne. This mainly occurs on the shoulders, upper chest and upper back. However, it may also affect the face.
This type of yeast is commonly found on the skin, but if it develops in excess, it may cause a significant problem. It may happen to both men and women from youth to middle age. Humid environments, the use of oily skin products, and clothes made of synthetic fibres can actually worsen this skin condition. It appears commonly in adolescents due to increased sebaceous gland activity. However, do take note that this is not exactly the same as acne.
3. Sensitivity to testosterone
The link between acne pimples and high levels of testosterone has been proven. These are male hormones that exist in lesser quantities in females. High testosterone levels may trigger greater activity in the sebaceous glands. This will result in more clogged pores, and a higher chance of acne eventually.
4. Dietary factors
A healthy and balanced diet can help promote good health. Hence, some dietary factors can affect the likelihood of getting pimples or acne. A good intake of fat from seeds, nuts, and olive oil can help to keep inflammation under control. Doing so can also support the body in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. Finally, you can maintain good skin moisture levels which provide an effective skin barrier and immune response, ultimately preventing bacterial infection. Vitamins A, D, and E can help maintain healthy skin, so having an adequate supply of these vitamins may help to prevent acne.
Book your acne consultation with Eeva today.
Eeva’s acne clearance clinic is helmed by our experienced and caring Singapore-certified lady doctors. We bring you comprehensive acne laser treatment Singapore which has received many positive reviews from patients for delivering cost-effective and result-oriented outcomes. Make an appointment with us today!